Coalition Snapshot
The vision of the Coalition for a Healthy Community – Oxford Area is to build a healthier community together. The Leadership Team and multiple workgroups of the Coalition work to achieve this goal through taking action to raise awareness, develop strategies, support initiatives and influence policies to make the healthiest choice the easiest choice for Oxford Area residents. By utilizing multiple environmental strategies across multiple sectors of the community, the Coalition seeks to achieve the vision.

The Coalition for a Healthy Community – Oxford Area began in 1997 by identifying community issues, raising awareness and addressing concerns through community collaboration. The Coalition was fortunate to receive funding through the Federal Drug Free Communities Act from 2000-2010 to specifically address underage and high-risk drinking in the community. As a result of Coalition initiatives and partnerships, significant outcomes were achieved in both the K-12 and University settings.
The Coalition partners with McCullough-Hyde Memorial Hospital|TriHealth to implement strategies that address the priorities identified in the hospital’s health needs assessment. As a result, the Coalition has identified specific workgroups to address substance use/abuse, mental health, and obesity. Workgroups have been formed around these topics of interest and continue to report back to the Coalition’s Leadership Team.
The Coalition for a Healthy Community-Oxford Area is primarily funded through grants and private donations. The McCullough-Hyde Foundation and the Greater Oxford Community Foundation both serve as organizations that can accept donations on the Coalition’s behalf. Talawanda School District serves as the primary fiscal agent for the Coalition.