Healthy Living Blog

Eat Smart, Grow Strong: A Guide to Fun and Nutritious Eating for Kids

By special contributor Laney Johnson

Hi everyone! Are you ready to learn about the power of healthy eating? Eating well is super important for children to grow big and strong. Let’s dive in and explore some fun and tasty ways to keep our bodies happy and healthy.

Why is child nutrition important?

Eating a variety of healthy foods gives our bodies the energy and nutrients they need to grow, stay active, and be strong. Child nutrition is crucial for overall growth and development. Proper nutrition not only provides the energy and essential nutrients required for physical growth but also plays a significant role in cognitive development and immune system function. In simple, it helps our brains to work well, supports a strong immune system, and keeps our bones and organs healthy. Plus, it gives us the power to run, jump, and play all day long! According to a survey conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics, it was found that only 21% of children aged 6-11 could identify all the basic food groups in the MyPlate nutrition guide. This statistic underscores the importance of educating children about different food groups and the significance of a balanced diet from an early age.


Trying New Foods

Trying new foods can be an exciting adventure that introduces us to different flavors and textures. When we try new foods, we expand our palate and open ourselves up to a world of cuisines. It’s important to approach new foods with an open mind and be patient with ourselves, as it may take several attempts before developing a liking for a particular food. Encouraging children to try new foods not only broadens their food choices but also helps them develop a diverse and healthy eating pattern for life.




The Food Groups

Our meals should include a little bit from each food group to make sure we get all the different nutrients our bodies need. 

Fruits and Vegetables: These are full of important vitamins and minerals that help keep us healthy and strong.

Grains: Foods like bread, rice, and pasta give us energy to play and learn.

Protein: This can come from foods like meat, fish, eggs, beans, and nuts. Protein helps to build and repair our muscles.

Dairy: Milk, yogurt, and cheese help to keep our bones and teeth healthy and strong.


A Simple Healthy Recipe: Rainbow Veggie Wraps

Let’s make a fun and colorful snack together! Rainbow veggie wraps are not only delicious and colorful, but they’re also packed full of the good stuff that helps us grow big and strong.



– Whole grain tortillas

– Hummus

– Sliced cucumbers

– Shredded carrots

– Sliced bell peppers (red, orange, or yellow)

– Baby spinach leaves



  1. Lay out a tortilla and spread a thin layer of hummus over the entire surface.
  2. Place a small handful of baby spinach leaves in the center of the tortilla.
  3. Add a few cucumber slices, shredded carrots, and sliced bell peppers on top of the spinach.
  4. Roll the tortilla up tightly, tucking in the sides as you go.
  5. Slice the wrap into bite-sized pieces and enjoy the rainbow of flavors and nutrients!


Now, it’s your turn to try it out! Remember to have some fun in the kitchen and remember that eating healthy can be exciting and tasty!


Link to recipe video:

Sources: (USDA) (Harvard University) (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics) (wraps recipe)